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Having two two toddlers at home. No nanny, no house assistant. One of my son is having toilet training and lately ‘accident’ often happen in the morning. I got to clean the bad with some soap and water sprayed, wash some pillows by hand and washing the bad sheet with washing machine. Yes, more laundry of course.

Then, giving my sons a shower, and put clothes on him to prepare his zoom tahfidz class. At the same time, preparing breakfast for my husband who is working, almost relentlessly, from home and for me and for my sons.

Hanging the next laudry to dry after collecting the laudry that have dried earlier under this rainy season of Indonesia.

Thinking what meals for lunch and dinner. And sweeping the floor. Not to mention doing the dishes I havent finished last night.

What is all of these?

First, yes these all tiring. But, if I do clean the clothes that are stained by urine because of Allah I will feel relieve. “O Allah you asks us to clean the najees, so i did this because of you asking me to do so.”

Second, the meal I prepare. All of the member of my family are amanah for me. It is an honour to prep delicious halal healthy food for them. To make them stay heathy and strong.

Third, laundry and all the routine. I do that to make my family life cycle running normaly. When they need t shirt or pants there are available. No need to stress out because they are run out of dialy wears.

Does my husband help? He does. But his hands are super full right now. Sometime he stay up really late to finish his work. He rarely has free time recently.

It is just not wise to force him to give me a hand. He does throwing the garbage and receiving online groceries or stuff from delivery services before our fence which I appreciate so much.

Why doing all of these? Having family is tiring and raising kids are challenging.

Because that what Allah is asking muslim to do so. We are asked to get married, have kids and raise them properly. Not because eastern society demand us to do so.

All the issues happen during the marriage life, husband and wife sit together to discuss the best way to decide. And having family is not always tiring. There are happiness in struggeling togother for a better life. Working together with ones we love to be better humans. Seeing baby walking for the firs time. A two years old hug me to express his love. Those are heart warming.


I appreciate my husband struggle and fight to earn money and give us shelter and protection just as I apprciate my self doinf the house hold chores and teaching the children, installing good habit and values as muslim and mankind.

Phew… what a talk.

Thank you for reading. For all moms around the world. Keep being happy as you are indeed matter. You are one of the reason your family life keep running an normal daily life.

Nurul 27:1:2020

Bogor, West Java